Welcome to the place where legacies grow!

I fell in love with leaving legacies when I listened to my grandmother spin tales of long ago. People have an inherent need to leave something behind after they’ve passed through this earth. To touch someone … to make something … to give something …. We can all create a legacy to fill that need.

 Legacies can unlock the past, bring healing to the present, and secure a promising future. Your past and present intertwine to make you who you are and combine with your future to determine who you will be.

 These stories, articles, tips, and secrets-to-come flow from my heart to yours. Read tales my grandmother spun of my grandfather’s work with the railroad, the ones my father told of his escapades at work and hunting camp, and others our daughters still tell of our homeschool years and our drama troupe.

 And every one begins at home, the center of our universe. A plaque above our table reads, “Home is where your story begins.”  

Join in on this storytime by following my blog and we’ll share thoughts on mud or coffee or the color green! I’ll tell mine, then you tell us your stories in the comment section.